Swarm robotics is an emerging field that also has great potential as a group project.  Swarms could encompass a broad range of sophistication, from cheap and simple BEAM style robots to RoboMagellan sized outdoor explorers that would offer opportunities for all skill levels.  Unlike a group project geared towards creating a single complex robot, everybody can own a piece of the swarm.

This project is less than a month old, and we are still exploring the possibilities, but we hope to develop a set of standards that insures interoperability between swarm members while limiting design freedom as little as possible, and offer some reference designs to help others get started.  All work will be open source.

Brainstorms — Add your random swarm robotics related ideas here.  No idea is too wacky!

Experiments — Results of swarm related experiments we’ve conducted.

Swarms to learn from — Links and info on other swarms that we can learn from

Meetings — Notes from PARTS Swarm project meetings

Learnings — Record your learnings from other swarms and your own experiments here

Design — Design details for various components of the PARTS Swarm

Licensing — Licensing for the PARTS Swarm

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