This page is to collect details on existing open source licenses that we might use. Feel free to add info as you look into possible licenses.
Nothing on this page constitutes an official adoption of a license for any PARTS projects!
It looks like different licenses have different focuses, with some containing specific language to deal with software, some with hardware, and some that are more general. It appears that we may end up with different licenses to cover different project domains.
Based on copyright, so for hardware would only apply to the design documents and software, although CC does not recommend that CC licenses be applied to SW code. CC does not contain language dealing with source or object code. CC provides “wrapped” software licenses to take advantage of the CC human-readable document and machine-readable metadata, but does not alter the underlying SW license in any way (i.e. GNU GPL, GNU LGPL, BSD)
A CC license only affects your copyright — it does not deal with any trademark or patents rights on the work.
License variants
GNU General Public License (GPL)
Based on copyrights. Contains specific language to deal with software.
This is being used for some of the Portland State Aerospace Society’s work.
No restrictions on use of design
Modifications to design must be released under TAPR license, including the original design docs, a change list, and updated design docs.
No limitations on commercial use (there is a separate non-commercial version of the license for that.