Brushbot Progress

We’ve been making slow, intermittent progress on firmware for the Brushbot.  We reached a new milestone in November, however.  We now have simultaneous IR code transmission and reception working, both between bots as well as within a single bot to use for obstacle detection.

Cat uploaded a video she took of my dual brushbot avoiding / attacking objects, during the November 15 group project meeting.  See the PARTS flickr pool.

November 2010 Robot Videos

We had a great time at the November meeting watching and discussing a number of different robot-related videos.

Here are links to most of them:


Next Meeting – March 6, 2010

Beginner CTL: TBD

Advanced CTL: Surface Mount Circuit Board Soldering (Scott Dixon, Jim Larson

Announcement: the rules for the new PARTS Indoor Challenge are posted. Get your robots ready for the April 3rd Meeting!

After the main meeting, the group build of the BrushBot controller will take place.  Those not participating in that may want to go watch the rest of the Autodesk Oregon Regional FIRST competition at the Memorial Coliseum.

Group Project Meeting Cancelled Today (Only)

Owing to the lack of meeting space (TechShop closed, bRainSilo being renovated) as well as the fact that Monty won’t be ready for us to do a group build of the BrushBot PCB, we’re going to cancel today’s meeting.

Instead, this would be a great time for people to contribute to the Wiki and start writing code for the BrushBot.

If you are active in the group project, please sign up for an account at We’ve been tweaking the permissions for new users, so hopefully you will be able to edit and contribute to existing group project pages. If you have trouble, please contact me.