The Portland Area Robotics Society was formed to help those interested in learning about and building robots. It includes professionals, amateurs, students, college professors, engineers, artists, hobbyists, and tinkerers. PARTS members explore all aspects of robotics and work toward expanding communication between robot enthusiasts. They share ideas, experience and enthusiasm for building robots.

We encourage you to bring your robots to the meetings, working or not! Not only is it interesting to see what others actually are building, you’ll find that PARTS members are a diverse bunch with a wide range of robotics knowledge. If you are having trouble doing something, finding something, or making something work, chances are high that someone can help!

Meetings of PARTS are informal affairs. Everyone, whether an old hand or new arrival, gets a chance to speak if they want to. This is your chance to share your ideas, ask questions, and show off your robot!

Contact us

If you would like to contact us about this website please send email to vicepres@portlandrobotics.org.

One thought on “About PARTS”

  1. PacRim surplus in Hillsboro has piles
    of hardware, gears, motors, springs, metals,
    etc, from Wacky Willys.
    Strange hours but neat stuff

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